Call for papersPMS is an international Workshop series initialized by the EURO PMS Working Group, devoted to project management and scheduling (https://www.euro-online.org/websites/pms/). The Workshop is held every two years in different locations around Europe. This event brings together researchers and practitioners from different disciplines of Computer Science, Operational Research, Optimisation Engineering, Mathematical Programming and Industrial Engineering. The Workshop covers theoretical results and algorithmic developments in the fields of Project Management and Scheduling, including project management and scheduling practice and applications to real-life situations. PMS 2022 (18th International Workshop on Project Management and Scheduling) will be held online on April, 6-7, 2022 organised in Ghent (Belgium) at Vlerick Business School Ghent. The Workshop will cover the following but non exhaustive list of project management and scheduling areas:
Methodological/theoretical papers related to Operational Research, Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning models, exact and heuristic algorithms for scheduling problems are welcome as well as papers dealing with data-driven approaches, practical applications and industrial case studies. All researchers, academics, PhD students and practitioners working on the Workshop themes are invited to participate in PMS 2022 by submitting an extended abstract (length 4 single-spaced A4 pages). These 4-page submissions will be reviewed according to the standard reviewing process of international Workshops. A selection of submissions will be presented during the Workshop. After the Workshop, the authors will have the opportunity to submit full papers to a special issue (more information to be announced, see Special Issue). GUIDELINES AND TEMPLATES In order to submit your paper, you should first create an account on the Sciencesconf system using the following link: https://pms2022.sciencesconf.org/user/createaccount Once registered, you have to log in to the system, then click on the "Paper submission" menu item and follow the instructions. To prepare your 4-page abstract, please use the LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates available here. IMPORTANT DATES
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