Accepted papers

You will find below the list of 42 accepted papers for the PMS 2022 Workshop. The book of extended abstracts can be downloaded here.

Winners Best Student Paper Award

First prize
Hendrik Weber, Robert Brachmann, Rainer Kolisch

Second prize
Tom Portoleau, Christian Artigues, Tamara Borreguero Sanchidrian, Alvaro Garcia Sanchez, Miguel Ortega Mier, Pierre Lopez

Third prize
Jakob Snauwaert, Mario Vanhoucke

Finalists Best Student Paper Award

Generation and Characterization of Real-World Instances for the Flexible Resource-Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling Problem Hendrik Weber, Robert Brachmann, Rainer Kolisch
Large neighborhood search for a multi-mode resource constrained scheduling problem with resource leveling objective Tom Portoleau, Christian Artigues, Tamara Borreguero Sanchidrian, Alvaro Garcia Sanchez, Miguel Ortega Mier, Pierre Lopez
New empirical and artificial data instances for the multi-skilled resource-constrained project scheduling problem Jakob Snauwaert, Mario Vanhoucke
Solving the Assembly Line Balancing Problem with LocalSolver   Léa Blaise, Thierry Benoist, Christian Artigues
A branch and bound approach for stochastic 2-machine flow shop scheduling with rework Lei Liu, Marcello Urgo
Total Core Idle Time minimization for the permutation flowshop scheduling problem Paula Sanchez-de los Reyes, Paz Perez-Gonzalez
Paper title   Authors
Carbon footprint aware resource constrained project scheduling problem in manufacturing Humyun Rahman, Tom Servranckx, Ripon Chakrabortty, Mario Vanhoucke, Sondoss El Sawah
Problem-specific Priority Rules for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem with Alternative Subgraphs Rojin Nekoueian, Tom Servranckx, Mario Vanhoucke
Heuristic solution approaches to the multi-project scheduling problem Dries Bredael, Mario Vanhoucke
Assembly Line Performance Analysis Based on Aircraft Preliminary Design: a Scheduling Approach Anouck Chan, Stéphanie Roussel, Thomas Polacsek
Learning based heuristics for scheduling jobs with release dates on a single machine to minimize the sum of completion times Axel Parmentier, Vincent T'kindt
Sequencing two classes of jobs on a machine with an external no-idle constraint Alessandro Agnetis, Marco Pranzo
Application of Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm to Job Shop Scheduling Problem Tomasz Pecyna, Krzysztof Kurowski, Rafal Rozycki, Grzegorz Waligora, Jan Weglarz
Extending Smith's Rule with Task Mandatory Parts and Release Dates Camille Bonnin, Margaux Nattaf, Arnaud Malapert, Marie-Laure Espinouse
A Novel Continuous-Time Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for the Multi-Mode Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem Nicklas Klein
A relaxation-based generation scheme for the RCPSP/max,pi   Mareike Karnebogen, Jürgen Zimmermann
A time-based schedule-generation scheme for project scheduling with storage resources Mario Christian Sillus, Christoph Schwindt
A fix-and-optimize heuristic for the resource renting problem   Max Reinke, Jürgen Zimmermann
Insights and results for the offline and online weighted capacitated parallel machine scheduling problem Izack Cohen, Ilan Cohen, Iyar Zaks
Maximal slacks between lower bounds of the makespan on parallel processors Claire Hanen, Jacques Carlier
An Inclusion-Exclusion based general exponential-time algorithm for the solution of unrelated parallel machine scheduling problems Olivier Ploton, Vincent T'kindt
Aggregation techniques for a scheduling model on parallel machines in the photolithography area of the semiconductor manufacturing industry Jeremy Berthier, Stéphane Dauzere-Peres, Claude Yugma
Early-Stage Prediction of Project Duration - Machine Learning Approach vs. Traditional Approach Itai Lishner, Avraham Shtub
A Method to Find Criticalities in Project Networks with Feeding Precedence Relations Lucio Bianco, Massimiliano Caramia, Stefano Giordani, Alessio Salvatore
Robust scheduling within SNCF railway maintenance centers   Rahman Torba, Stéphane Dauzere-Peres, Claude Yugma, Cédric Gallais, François Ramond
Two-stage stochastic/robust scheduling using permutable operation groups Louis Riviere, Christian Artigues, Hélène Fargier
Budget allocation in risk prevention and risk protection considering risk interdependency Xin Guan, Tom Servranckx, Mario Vanhoucke
Using schedule risk analysis with resource constraints for project control Jie Song, Annelies Martens, Mario Vanhoucke
A comparative analysis for bounding the project completion time distribution in stochastic project networks Forough Vaseghi, Annelies Martens, Mario Vanhoucke
A comparison of two project forecasting methods using risk models: Structural Equation Modeling and Bayesian Networks Izel Unsal Altuncan, Mario Vanhoucke, Annelies Martens
Just-In-Time Flexible Job Shop with Stochastic Processing Times   Camilo Rodriguez-Espinosa, Eliana María González-Neira
Logic-based Benders Decomposition for preemptive Flexible Job-Shop Scheduling Carla Juvin, Laurent Houssin, Pierre Lopez
On the relevance of the makespan service level for the flexible job shop scheduling problem under uncertainty Mario Flores Gomez, Stéphane Dauzere-Peres, Valeria Borodin
Disjunctive graph model for flexible job-shop schedulingproblem with transportation and limited buffer space Lucas Berterottière, Claude Yugma, Stéphane Dauzere-Peres
Human-centered interactions for project scheduling decision-aid in space industry Hugo Chevroton, Cyril Briand, Philippe Truillet, Melody Mailliez, Céline Lemercier
Project Planning for Engineering Automotive Production Systems   Maximilian Kolter, Martin Grunow, Rainer Kolisch, Thomas Stäblein
Comparative Study of Two Machine Learning Tasks in Project Scheduling Weikang Guo, Mario Vanhoucke, José Coelho
Automated design of priority rules for the RCPSP via efficient genetic programming approach Jingyu Luo, Mario Vanhoucke, José Coelho
Heuristic Parameter Estimation by Machine Learning   Aykut Uzunoglu
Operating rooms scheduling with a shared resource: a red-blue knapsack modeling approach Federico Della Croce, Andrea Grosso, Vincent T'kindt
Valid inequalities for the dynamic asset protection problem   Quentin Pena, Aziz Moukrim, Mehdi Serairi
A realistic hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with availability restrictions, priorities, and machine qualifications Christin Schumacher, Dominik Mäckel


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